What to to when the little one is having fever after vaccination

19 April 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to strengthen our protection against viruses.

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to strengthen our protection against viruses. Hence, it is advisable to people from all walks of lives and ages to be vaccinated against Covid-19, including children.

It is common for some adverse effects to be experience after getting vaccinated. Some of the usual ones are sleepiness, increased appetite, and fever. It is very understandable that as parents, you’d be worried about the effects that your kids may have, especially fever. However, no need to panic.

See below on how to manage fever in children after Covid-19 vaccination.

What to prepare for your children before being vaccinated

There are some important matters that you must prepare prior to your children receiving vaccine, such as: please ensure that your children are healthy, in happy condition, and active. If all the threes are evident, it means that your children are ready to have the Covid-19 vaccination.

For those who have children with congenital conditions or comorbidity, please consult with physicians who are already familiar with your children condition and history. Listen to what advice is given by your doctor whether it save to have the Covid-19 vaccine or not.

Vaccination personnel would also check and screen all participants prior to giving the vaccine. They will check your little one’s temperature, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, breathing rate, and other health parameter prior to giving the vaccine. Health personnel would also ask for your children health history and when the last time they receive any other vaccine.

Understanding adverse events in children

You might worry of the adverse event (side effects) that your children may after getting vaccinated. To lessen your worry, you need to understand Adverse Events After Vaccination which are events experienced after and during vaccination.

Children adverse event after vaccination is usually milder than that experience by adults. Most common events affecting children are event related to the site of injection, and event affecting the system of the body.

Events related to the site of injection usually are in the forms of pain, swelling, and redness. Meanwhile, those affecting the bodily system are fever, muscle soreness or aches, and also increased appetite. These are normal things that may be experienced by your children. Fever after vaccination is a sign of their immune system reacting to the vaccine given. This response represents the forming of antibody in your little ones with the aim of building immunity to the target virus of the vaccination.

How to minimize adverse events in children

Based on the above explanation, your children may experience any of the adverse events once they got their vaccination, ranging from pain, swelling, muscle soreness or aches, and fever. How can we minimize these events?

To lessen pain dan fever after vaccination, you can apply compress on your children folded areas in the body, such as the nape, armpit, or tight, as there are where the main arteries are. If the fever reaches 39° C or more, you may give them anti-pyretic or anti-fever medication such as Tempra which contains paracetamol (acetaminophen) and which is available in many flavors that your children would like.

It is clear that having pain and fever after getting vaccination is normal. You do not need to worry to include your children in vaccination program. And do not need to panic when your children are experiencing some adverse events.

Source (adapted):


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