When the school holiday season arrives, parents must be attentive to the health of their children. It is because children are prone to several diseases occurring during the holiday season. This is due to exposure to viruses and bacteria from the surrounding environment as well as lowered body immune...
When the school holiday season arrives, parents must be attentive to the health of their children. It is because children are prone to several diseases occurring during the holiday season. This is due to exposure to viruses and bacteria from the surrounding environment as well as lowered body immune due to holiday fatigue. What diseases in children that are common to occur during the holiday season and how to prevent and manage them? Check out the following information.
1. Fever
Fever is one of the most common symptoms experienced by children after being exhausted from vacation. Some fevers are caused by an infectious process which is the body's mechanism of fighting germs. To find out if your child has a fever or not, it is best to take their temperature with a thermometer. In general, it is defined as fever when the temperature reading in the mouth/ears/armpits reaches 38°C.
Whe your little one is having fever, a fever-lowering medication containing paracetamol can be given according to the dose. Immediately see a doctor if your child is under 6 months of age, has a fever of 39°C or if the fever is accompanied by red spots or other abnormal symptoms.
2. Diarrhea
Diarrhea is defined as passing stool more than the normal frequency, i.e., more than 3 times a day, with watery consistency. This condition often appears after the holidays because at that time we (including our little ones) often use public facilities, such as public toilets, which may be lack in hygiene. Contaminated food and drink can also be the culprit.
The main treatment for diarrhea is to ensure the liquids being wasted by the body is replaced properly. Antidiarrheal drugs should only be taken if indicated by a doctor. Wash your hands every time you take care of your child with diarrhea, to prevent transmission to other family members.
3. Flu & Cough
Changes in weather and air temperature are the main factors that make children prone to flu and cough. Especially that during the holiday season, children tend to be more physically active and spend time a lot to play that makes them exhausted and lower their body natural defense. Exposure to viruses from people having flu and cough can also cause children to get sick while on vacation.
4. Skin Infections/Allergies
Another condition that may occur to children during the holiday season is skin infection or allergy. Infants are especially prone with greater risk of developing skin diseases/allergies than adults. During the holiday season, cleanliness of your surrounding (or lack of it), food, weather and air temperature can factor in as cause to skin infections, such as itching to emergence of red spots and rashes.
To prevent skin infections, your little one should wear clothes with materials that easily absorb sweat and are not too tight. Always clean the room and provide lotion to keep the skin moist.
5. Nausea and vomiting
During the holiday season, it is undeniable that children are exposed to viruses and bacteria that can cause gastro-enteritis (nausea with diarrhea and vomiting). Exposure to virus/bacteria can cause irritation in the digestive tract. However, nausea and vomiting can also be caused by other factors such as food allergies, eating too much, motion sickness, and food poisoning.
Treatment of nausea and vomiting in children differs based on the cause. But generally, if your child has nausea and vomiting, you should give them enough drinking water to keep them hydrated and refrain from giving them food immediately. You can give provide them with food after 30 minutes [of last vomiting] with easily digestible foods such as porridge.
It is important that, despite the busy holiday activities, children must have sufficient rest time. Lack of rest has a great chance of lowering the child's immune system. Even if the child complains that their time is limited, give them understanding that enough rest is necessary for them to be able continue enjoying their holidays and prevent them for being ill.
Before the start of your vacation with your little one, it's a good idea to make proper preparations, including bringing a first aid kit with complete with medications according to the needs of the family. With this, you can administer first aid to your children when they fell ill during your vacation.
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