Counterpain Wins Top Brand Award for 8 Years in a row

24 October 2022

Counterpain again received an award from the Top Brand Award for the Muscle Cream Category.

Top Brand Award 2022 is an award given to brands that have been successfully chosen by consumers in Indonesia through survey results by looking at three parameters which are top of mind share, top of market share, and top of commitment share. From 2015 to 2022, Counterpain has received awards from Top Brand eight times in a row both online and offline, which means that the Counterpain brand is very well known to consumers, many consumers buy, and consumers are very loyal to Counterpain.

The Top Brand Award is the result of a survey conducted by the independent research institute Frontier Consulting Group together with Marketing Magazine which is valid and reliable because it involves more than 12,000 respondents (face to face interview 10,040 respondents and online survey 1,960 respondents) in 15 major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, Palembang, Samarinda, Denpasar, Jogjakarta, Malang, Manado and Banjarmasin.

We thank Indonesian people for their trust to make Counterpain your top choice for dealing with muscle pain problems. Hopefully in the future Counterpain will be able to maintain its contribution to the health of the Indonesian people.

Counterpain, No Pain No Gain

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